New World, New Rules

New World, New Rules
Micaela Brown
Founder & CEO of Blush & Whimsy
It's a whole new world for all of us - as individuals, eCommerce stores, retailers, suppliers, wholesalers, and exporters. We've been sold out of most of our inventory since the fall, and we were supposed to have a shipment coming in no later than January 2020. Taking a look at the calendar and you clearly see the year is churning away and our inventory isn't finished yet!
Well - I have news!

Our packaging manufacturer was much more impacted by the virus than we originally knew. There was a bit of panic for a couple of months when our account manager went silent on us. Turns out the manufacturer closed for several months, and when they opened, they had to lay off a significant number of people - including our account manager. I professionally stalked them until I got through to the head of the facility, who I'm now working with. Their raw ingredient suppliers have now changed as well, so the backlog I was told our order was delayed by was proven true by the sheer amount of coronavirus-impacted supply chain issues.
We are now working with a new timeline, which puts our inventory completed and in stock (safely estimated) in roughly 4 months. It could be 3 months, but I can't promise it and then not deliver, so let's go with 4 months.
I know this news may be disappointing for some of you, and I feel it too. Making luxurious, beautiful products and packaging them perfectly to send to you is my passion. Knowing that I'm close to being completely sold out of everything in my inventory is terrifying, frustrating, anxiety-inducing, and stressful. That said, I've developed a much improved moisturizing formula that is hypoallergenic and brand new packaging that I think you'll love. I removed palm oil to add more sustainability to the product, and increased the number of hydrating ingredients to bring smoothing richness to the lips! I am so excited for you to see the new packaging and try the improved formula!
Here's a sneak peek at the new packaging - kept the classic lines of the original black box, but changed it to a ballet slipper pink with rose gold foil on the top. Instead of product cards included to provide details of the product, we now have full details of the product printed on the box. We're continuing to grow and get more streamlined with our packing!

While working through this inventory hiccup, I have two main focus areas. First, I'm working on additional products whose entire supply chains are completely sourced within USA/Canada/Mexico. Second, I'm helping entrepreneurs and startups go digital with tips and tricks. Check out my website for more information!
If you have never built your own website before and want to get your products and services online, I have some tips for you!
- Squarespace - best for services and showcasing gorgeous visuals
- Shopify - hands down the best platform on which to build your eCommerce store (beautiful templates, incredible apps to help you run your store and boost your marketing, shipping labels and postage's amazing!) **Blush & Whimsy is a shopify store**
- Showit - best for services, online courses, consulting, creating a WordPress-like feel without the need to learn WP ** is a Showit site**
I don't have a relationship with any of these platforms other than I have used them all, and some of my current websites utilize them. You'll see the links are clean without any codes or commissionable links. Let me know if you have tried these sites and which ones are your favorite!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via email or social media and I'm happy to help! Thank you for believing in Blush & Whimsy and supporting our mission.
In personal news (for those who read the last post) I'm used-car hunting, giving ALL THE CUDDLE TIME to Burberry the Chihuahua, and regularly spending time with family. Finding a balance has been the biggest challenge of my life, but I'm definitely feeling healthier, happier, and invigorated! I even ordered a bike desk to peddle the work day and those pesky quarantine pounds away! It isn't in yet, but I'll let you know how it looks/feels/goes!

Our luxury magical color changing lipsticks bring magic into everyday life.
We're coming out of the crisis designing even better and more magical products for you!