We're isolating, but we aren't alone

We're isolating, but we aren't alone
Micaela Brown
Founder & CEO of Blush & Whimsy
This morning I'm thankful for internet, a way to communicate when in person communication is not advised in some areas, and impossible in others. I grew up in Italy when my dad was stationed in Vicenza, a post familiar to so many military brats. Watching Italians find ways to share love and joy through music and balcony conversations brings such a sense of hope - a people that have been hit so hard are finding ways show the world that they are still strong.
No matter where you are, you are not alone.
You have us.
You can message us on Facebook, Instagram, email, comment on these blogs - we're here. We have handy technology so that even if we don't speak your language natively, we can use it to read and respond to pretty much anything!
Blush & Whimsy
I have updates for you all!
Our necklace charms are on their way! They are being processed in Cincinnati, Ohio and then will be on their way to us in New Mexico. Once they arrive, we'll put them together and send them out to you asap! I'll let you know when we get them!
Lipstick packaging is still delayed, and we don't yet have delivery date. I have samples of the packaging coming and will show you in the next post!
Warehouse Status
New Mexico just started reporting cases, and our governor is incredibly proactive. Everyone is taking precautions to practice social distancing and many businesses are closed. As an ecommerce company, we don't have to close but we do have to be protective of our disabled veterans. Many vets have lung issues due to exposures while on active duty. We are all keeping our distance, elbow bumping, and only coming into the warehouse when we have orders. The warehouse right now is my house. It's the easiest way to keep inventory secure and ensure the safety of everyone.
Small Businesses are Suffering
All around us, businesses are shutting down, most are forced closures due to the virus. I hope it is only temporary and that after the crisis, they are able to reopen and rebuild. The hardest part for us is that even if revenue slows down, we still have to pay as if our business was still open. Contracts, bills, manufacturing, and in the case of restaurants, payroll, rents, etc. Bills don't stop just because our economy has.
Blush & Whimsy will get through this. I guarantee it. I will fight for this company because I believe in what we do, and that now more than EVER, people need our magic.
All over the economy, there will be delays. But orders WILL get fulfilled.

How You Can Help
Small businesses rely on orders, preorders, and gift cards - ANY revenue to keep the lights on. Many of us will have to find outside work to keep the lights on. If you can afford to, buy what you can when you can from small businesses. A little bit goes a long way!
Resources for Entrepreneurs
I started my career in government, but found that my creative brain needed an outlet. Entrepreneurship was the only way for me.
Every day I post/publish resources for those struggling, there is always a way through. Thinking we are alone in this makes everything worse. All of us are going through similar things, and sometimes we just need someone to make us feel heard and understood.
I'm mostly familiar with New Mexico resources, but since I've lived everywhere as a military brat, if you have a question about a city/state/region I might know someone who can help!
Here's what has been established to help us so far:
Unemployment - restrictions have been lifted
(waiting on list of participating lenders)
Virtual is Reality
I have the sense that online businesses and virtual services are going to boom within the next 9 months as everyone moves online.
Would it be helpful if I post tips/tricks and video coaching on how to open an online business? Let me know in the comments!

If you need me
I'm here. You are important to me, and I know times are uncertain. We are in this together.
Warm Regards,
Micaela Brown
Luz Abeyta —
Thank you for all that you do for our Veterans and small businesses. May God bless you TONS for your all kindness and thoughtfulness.
Yes, It would be super helpful if you would post tips, tricks and video coaching on how to open an online business. Again, Thank you for sharing. Respectfully, Luz