Making it work, to make it work, to just make it work

Making it work, to just make it work
Micaela Brown
Founder & CEO of Blush & Whimsy
Derailed by a drunk driver
In my previous post I wrote to let you all know I started delivering food with Grubhub to make enough money to support my business while we work through the crisis.
Last week while out on an afternoon delivery, I was hit by a drunk driver. My car was totaled. I'm thanking God that I was able to walk away. Other than whiplash and a sprained wrist/hand, I'm healing and ok. I tried to drive a couple of times this week, but physically I was in too much pain to continue. Chiropractic treatments and therapy began this week, and I'm on the road to recovery.
The week before the accident, I told my mother my only worry was if delivering food was restricted due the virus. In this economy, I don't have a backup plan.
I have to make it work, to make it work, to just make it work. I know I'm not alone in this; many of you are feeling the same thing. I know without a doubt that we'll get through this, but the "going through this" is hard. Coming up with daily solutions is draining but necessary.

I've reduced all monthly bills as low as they can possibly get, and will start driving again next week. I'm trying every possible option I can think of to avoid loans - they are literally the kiss of death.
I was raised if you can walk and don't have a fever, you go to work! (or school) I'm grateful that that I can still do something to help the community, and keep Blush & Whimsy going in the interim. I'm so thankful that my parents are letting me use their car while a rental/new(ish) car is sorted out with insurance.
Necklaces are here!
Our Elune Moon & Stars necklaces are completed! All of you waiting on your necklace orders, you should have received shipping notifications yesterday! We are packaging your orders today and tomorrow, and they will ship ASAP!
THANK YOU for giving us time to get them to you!
They are now IN STOCK! Can't wait for you to see them!
We're still waiting on the pre-ordered lipsticks. The only news we are hearing from our packaging suppliers is that they are backlogged and working as hard as they can to get through the orders and ship them out.
I've already paid, and don't have the capital to start over again with a new manufacturer until we have inventory and new orders are coming in. That's something I'll be working on in case something like this ever happens again (having a backup manufacturer).

It's hard now, and I'm right there in the thick of it with you. The virus won't beat us. The economy won't defeat us.
Hope guides me.
All my love,
Janis Horvatich —
You my dear, are one strong lady. I admire you! Praying for a quick recovery for you and your wonderful company. Your car can be replaced, but you cannot. I also live here in Albuquerque. We are all together in this current situation. I pray everyone in our community; as well as all of NM does what is necessary to flatten the curve statewide. Wishing you the very best!
Sharon Shaffer —
Micaela, I want to inform you, if you don’t already know, that the City of Albuquerque has a grant program for small businesses with 5 or fewer employees including yourself. There is $5K available and I heard that the feds are also proving funds which may give you as much as $10k. If you Can’t find this on the City’s website, feel free to reach out to me. It’s a grant, no pay back. I’m so sorry to hear about your accident. I just ordered my first lipstick from you a few weeks ago. I love it! Keep the faith!
🥰🙏🌺 Sharon
Carol Albrecht —
I just read your blog! Oh my! So sorry you are going through all of this!! I too have been through something similar, and the pain, and recovery is horrible enough without dealing with these challenging times at the moment!
Stay strong and wish you the best during this difficult time! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Carol Albrecht
Dawn Martinez —
I’m so sorry!! I hope you heal quickly. Today’s the first day you can apply for the federal loans that were approved in last week’s CARES bill. On the news, they said the loans would be forgiven so they’re supposed to be like grants. Good luck!
Sonya D. King —
Hang it there! You have a great product….I have been ordering your lipsticks for a couple of years and wear NOTHING else.